CG Artist
Tsugutaka Fukuoka
Began his career learning graphic design at a studio to later become a team leader for a CGVFX team at a post house and then becoming freelance in 2004.
Mainly active in art direction and VFX supervising, with additional skills in title design, motion graphics, artworks for music artist etc.
SUPARCAR・WonderWord (First place at the Kookokuhihyo MV awards in 2005)
Mr.Children・and I love you/ Worlds end (Special awards at MTB in 2006)
Cornelius・Omstart (Best award for MV at Japan Media Arts Festival in 2008 for WhiteScreen)
Cornelius・Sensurround+B-sides DVD (Nomination at the 51st Grammy show in 2009)
Suntory Whisky Hibiki・Japanese Harmony (Cannes Lions Bronze in 2015)
Cornelius・The Spell of a Vanishing Loveliness (NEWAWARDS Silver in 2018)
映像のアートディレクション、VFXスーパーバイザーを主としてタイトルデザイン、モーショングラフィック 、ミュージシャンのアートワーク等、多岐にわたる。
Mr Children・and i love you/Worlds end(2006年MTB特別賞)
Cornelius・Omstart(2008年文化庁メディア芸術祭優秀賞/2008年WhiteScreen BestPV)
Cornelius・Sensurround+B-sides DVD(2009年第51回グラミー賞ノミネート)
Suntory Whisky Hibiki・Japanese Harmony(2015年カンヌライオンズ/ブロンズ)
Cornelius・The Spell of a Vanishing Loveliness(2018年NEWAWARDS/シルバー)