


Toshihiko Kizu is a cinematographer based in Tokyo, Japan.He started his career as a lighting technician for feature films and commercials after getting his BA in Political Science from Waseda University.In 2013, he moved to Los Angeles to attend the American Film Institute for Cinematography to expand his career beyond the Japanese traditional system.After receiving his MFA, and with the extensive on-set experiences and collaboration skills he gained in the U.S., he moved back to Tokyo in 2017.Since then, he has been working with talented filmmakers from all around the world on a wide variety of projects.His motto is: "cultivate an intimate relationship between cinematographer and subject for a visual story, while always maintaining respect for what you photograph.



Nike Air Force 1 “FORCE”

 ・Ad Stars 2018 Film Craft Cinematography Bronze

 ・Spikes Asia 2018 Film Craft Cinematography Bronze

 ・Ciclope Asia Cinematography Shortlist