Pottery and plants, travel and music.Inspired by the depths of craftsmanship and creative expressions in the various cultures and people he chanced upon while journeying around the world, Shiraishi's distinctive filmmaking style is a culmination of these encounters and experiences. He started his career in 2004 with a movie entitled "Oya Omou" which was directed, written, shot and edited all by the man himself. Multi-skilled and meticulous in his film craft, he continues to break fresh grounds in new genres, techniques and creativity.
Shiraishi's sophisticated visual sensibility and stylistic versatility are evident throughout all his works. He has received prestigious accolades through the years, such as Cannes Lions, ADFEST, shots Awards Asia Pacific, Video Music Awards Japan and continues to discover new horizons in his cinematic endeavors.
Deep inside Shiraishi's cerebrum, there is a constant clash between the integral art of thinking and that of worldly desires fulfilled through the novelty of instant gratifications stemmed from the generation we live in today. His aspiration is to continue pushing creative boundaries while keeping himself rooted to the fundamental elements of fire, earth, wind, and water — where everything in the universe between which interactions and delightful creations occur.
白石 剛浩
2004年に監督・脚本・撮影・編集を手掛けた映画「親思う」からキャリアをスタートさせ、緻密で繊細な画をダイナミックに展開し破壊させる独創美に富んだ映像表現はADFEST(アジア太平洋広告祭)、カンヌライオンズ、shots Awards Asia Pacific、Video Music Awards Japanなどで数々のAWARDを受賞し、活動を世界に広げている。